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There are many choices of spraydecks available in many shapes and sizes.  The first place is to decide on the type of spraydeck that is right for you, whether it is whitewater focused (fully neoprene), more recreational (all nylon) or somewhere in the middle (neoprene deck with fabric tube)… where and how you want to use your kayak will effect your decision here as well as the level of performance/comfort you are looking for.  If you are unsure of which type is right for your needs then you should seek advice from your local kayak retailer as to the options they have that are right for you.

Once decided on your make/model of spraydeck then you’ll need to work out the correct size to order it in so that it fits your kayak properly.  To insure you get the right fit for your Wave Sport kayak you will need to know the cockpit dimentions for your boat.  Measure the length and width of the cockpit (for current Wave Sport models, these dimensions can be found on our product pages).

Use these measurements to order your chosen spraydeck in the correct size.  You can check the size options of your chosen spraydeck by looking on the manufacture website for that spraydeck - each spraydeck manufacturer will give details of the deck size options their spreydecks are available in and list the appropriate min/max cockpit sizes that are suitable for each of these options.  The same info is most likely accessible via each spraydeck product page on your local kayak retailers website and also the product label on each spreydeck.  If in doubt about the correct size to order, seek advice from your nearest Wave Sport dealer.  Finally, once you have your make/model of spraydeck and the correct deck size to order it in for your kayak, just check to see if the spraydeck also has a waist size option on the waist tube - most spraydecks are one-size, but some do offer different waist sizes for a personal fit.