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Diesel - a surfing and boofing machine

Posted: 03.05.2015


 Are you trying to decide what boat to buy?  Want just one boat? I have found my go to river runner and surfing boat all in one, Diesel 70. It surfs like a dream and can catch large or small waves.  The edges make carving effortless.  Here's a picture from PipeLine on the Lochsa. But it doesn't stop there.

In the same river run with the surfing pictured above, the Lochsa,  there are lots of bouncy rapids, huge holes, and waves to top.  Here is the Diesel auto boofing me on the entrance wave to Grim Reaper. I was paddling the annual event, Ladies on the Lochsa, and felt right at home surfing, boofing, river running, and helping with a few swimmers.  The Diesel's stern is perfect for towing in swimmers in big water. 

It's my go to boat for spring in Idaho. You can take mine for a test drive anytime.
