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The North Of Sweden - Skalmodal

Posted: 02.09.2014

Written By: Tyler Curtis

The Northern Paddling Continues

After catching some playboating on the local feature the road trip was on! I had a few drops on my Sweden hit list that I had to check out. With a solid flow I headed on a short drive from Kittelfjall to catch the Skalmodal and a super scenic stout.

This drop is located in the boarder region of Norway and Sweden in the mountain tundra.

On this little mission I happened to be touring solo so I spent some serious time scouting and making sure my line would be smooth. I wouldn’t recommend making a habit of this but sometimes you just feel in the zone and ready to take action.

I set up a camera on the shore to capture a few clips of my day so that I could share a little Swedish Whitewater with anyone interested.


As I approached the drop I was focused on the task at hand. There was no room for doubt or outside distractions but rather a heightened case of excitement. My first run was great. I splashed my face and charged into the drop working to keep my body position forward and balanced while taking a good stroke off the lip to surface away from the drop.

Another taste of whitewater in Sweden had just fueled my desire to find more.

Tyler Curtis