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Recon 83 deserve the title of a good race boat

Posted: 09.06.2013 BY Michele Ramazza

the Recon is a very good race boat

The first impression on the new Recon has been of an easy and forgiving boat. But I wasn't personally sure about it's performance in short and long creek race.

After a normal training time on the new model I can now affirm that the Recon is a very good race boat as well. How can I say that? I just won 3 race in a row in the alps with differt race format: a long distance class IV run, few boaterX like the Sweet Rumble, a short sprint on class V and a 26 minute marathon with a mass start.

I never done a such good result and I felt the new WS creek boat helped me a lot. I found all the races easier and all the drops a little bit less difficult and the chance to make mistakes is dropped since last time in the habitat.

This boat let me avoid a lot of correction strokes to take the line and to boof little waves since it does it by itself. Thus my energy is more available to increse speed and to clean the line without mistakes.

I might be in a good physical shape as well at moment but I really felt a very good impovement in terms of race performnce and class V skills.