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Dialing in the Mobius 6 days from Worlds

Posted: 08.27.2013

Ive been getting more and more comfortable in the Mobius 57 as we just slipped into the 'Team Training" phase from now until Worlds. The US Team has been training together for an hour slot for the past couple days and it's really brought us all together to support one another and exchange tips like a big family.

A couple weekends ago we had our US Nationals, which was a perfect way of getting back into the groove of competing again. My last comp was way back in June at Fibark - and it really takes practice to be able to perform at a brisk pace under pressure, while remaining smooth of course. Here's a video of some highlights from the Pigeon event. Tad Dennis is the C-1er, I'm in the K-1 carbon Mobius, Haley Mills was getting huge air in her trusty Project X 48(she just upgraded to Mobius for Worlds), and Nantahala local Tommy Yon chose to paddle the 1st production plastic Mobius 57 and got some great air. 

Post written by: Brian Kirk