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A week of freestylin' (Video Inside)

Posted: 26.04.2012


Just wanted to drop a quick photo dump, as well as a video edit I threw together from some freestyle action this past week with Team "Captain Kirk." And by freestyle, I mean, flying by the seat of your pants. The week started at Tallulah fest where we showed off some of the latest and greatest to come form Wavesport, more on that soon! For those that were there, you know what I am talking about. We then took the week after to visit with a few dealers across the southeast to show some love and get some feedback where they would like to see the brand improve. Truth be told, people are pretty stoked on the WS brand and have even more to be stoked on in the near future.

With our new designer(s), and a team focused on R&D and pushing themselves as much as humanly possible, we have a pretty darn good combination.

Then the rain came, I got caught up running my new business, H2o Dreams LLC, however Bryan made it over to Thompson's Creek in Brevard, NC and Linville the very next day. I think he slept, in total, 3 hours in two days, so he and I were primed to head over to Endless River Adventures for the Nantahala Open which has been a quality time for the past 3 years for me now, and I think somewhere around ten years for Bryan... wow he's old. This event raised money and awareness for Team River Runner, which is a kayak program for wounded veterans. Check em out and help them out if you can. The event consists of some pretty cool folks trying to make the biggest impression to a couple of fools with video cameras coming through the falls. I was one of the fools with a camera. Check out ERA's site for the "fool" write up. It was good hanging out with Juliet, Braden and the Smax Bros. Watch out for the Smax's hailing from Atlanta... no really, watch out ;-)

Finally, we moved on over to the site of the 2013 Worlds to give the new feature a go at the NOC. Though it still needs some tweaking, they are moving in the right direction. I got to see old friend Lee Liebfarth running around a bit, stressed in high hopes that the weekend would go seamlessly. Lee and crew at the NOC deserve a pat on the back as they pulled out a quality event at the last minute. I think with a bit more time, it will be world cup and world's quality. Sorry Lee that I didn't get you that 1000 pt ride, maybe come August.

I'm back in Crown-town now, packing up for another trip, this time to Ohio. Ohio? But why? You'll see soon, but let's just say Ohio is about to get some more class V whitewater. Until then, enjoy the photos and video.